Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Episode 4: Summer in Iowa Salad, Cookin Cutiez have friendz!

...they really do!  Cookin Cutiez were cordially invited to attend a *fancy* dinner party and made a delicious salad to bring along.  It's called "Summer in Iowa Salad" and its so easy to make.  Cutiez Cristin and Rebecca shop at their local Farmers Market and make sure they keep their fridges' stocked full of yummy fresh vegetables.  They looked in their fridges' and whipped together a treat!

  • Lettuce
  • Spinach
  • Orange bell pepper
  • Carrots, peeled and chopped
  • Roma tomatoes
  • Parmesan cheese
  • Sweet corn, roasted in the oven

Here are some vegetables we found in our fridge...

WAIT A MINUTE!  Which ingredient doesn't belong?!

What about this pepper?

No!  Peppers are great for salads!

What about this corn?

No!  Corn is delicious and perfect for salad!

What about this BIG CUP?

Delicious...but not good for salad.

Now!  Get out your cutest cutting board and start cookin!

*chop* *chop* *chop

Our honorary "Cutie" helped us with the roasting!


Here is it is in the bowl!  All mixed up and ready to go!

Cookin Cutiez are off to the dinner party with a selection of salad dressing for the guests to choose from: 
                  --parmesan cheese and peppercorn
                  --balsamic vinaigrette

Choose your favorite dressing, even mix up the ingredients, but be sure to have delicious fun with fresh summer vegetables, just like the Cutiez!

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