Friday, September 24, 2010

Episode 6: Banananananana nut bread!

One of the first/best things to do when it cools down is to bake.  Bake bread. mmmm makes the house smell so good I can't even stand it!

I got the recipe off of


after mixing the eggs, sugar, and Crisco
measuring flour is messy, use a bowl.
put this in your hair for a slick new look
blast! i forgot the lemon juice. grocery trip.
aw yeah
please lick your bowls
oh no! my oven sucks and it is burnt
sadness ensues. 

hey it's okay if it's burnt!

UPD8:  this was not burnt.

great success.

made french toast with it, a bit of maple syrup, sprinkled powdered sugar on it, and pecans. create the french toast of your dreams.

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